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We all struggle with body issues from time to time, whether clothes aren’t fitting as well as they used to or the body has gone through changes in recent months. Fortunately, the digital age brings us one of the greatest inventions yet: Fit 3D body scanning. This cutting-edge technology produces 3D replicas of your body so you can track changes over time, and it is available at our luxury medspa.

What is Fit3D ?

The entire process begins with stepping onto our 3D body scanning platform, grabbing onto the handles, and standing as still as you can for about 40 seconds. The platform will rotate as the sensor moves up and down, scanning every inch of your body to get the most accurate results. In less than a minute, the Fit3D Proscanner will extract more than 400 measurements including circumferences, heights, lengths, widths, volumes, and surface areas from your entire body. The most important of these measurements are mapped onto a 3D image and can be used in wellness assessments to show progress and analyze what needs improvement. A comprehensive report is emailed to you within 5 to 10 minutes of scan completion, and our trained technicians are always available to answer questions regarding the scan and information gathered as well.

What is Fit 3D Body Scanning Used For?
As 3D body scanning becomes more mainstream, the uses for this technology are increasing by leaps and bounds, as well. Fit 3D body scanning is probably best known for its applications in the health and fitness industry. Wellness and fitness centers use Fit 3D body scanning technology to accurately depict the client’s measurements and highlight areas of improvement. During the fitness regimen, Fit 3D body scans can track changes in BMI and body shape by comparing recent body scans to older body scans. This process can continue as long as it takes for the client to reach his or her goal, whether through personal training for fitness or weight loss programs.
Similarly, aesthetic practices use Fit 3D body scanning to verify the efficiency of their body contouring programs. Before a client starts a body contouring journey, a certified aesthetic technician creates a 3D model of the client’s body. Once the program is finished, another replica is created to compare the before-and-after results.
Furthermore, Fit 3D body scanning is being extended into the fashion industry. Ordering custom fitting garments can be a frustrating process, especially if you don’t have access to a tailor. With an accurate digital depiction of your measurements, you can easily have clothes custom-made to fit your body shape perfectly. The Fit 3D program will automatically send your measurements to the StitchFix app to create your perfect fit. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy your new look.
If you’re looking to learn more about Fit 3D body scanning, please don’t hesitate to give us a call! A